Friday, July 7, 2017

The Senator's Youngest Daughter

Title: The Senator's Youngest Daughter

Series: None

Year: 2016

Author: Kelley Rose Waller

Summary: Senator A.C. McFerren has been missing for more than six months. The obvious prime suspect in his disappearance is the homegrown terrorist group known as the Army of Social Justice. 

Searching for her kidnapped father leads Brenna McFerren Jefferson to the terrorists’ elusive “Death of Government” headquarters, known as The Doghouse. But nosing around where the federal government won’t investigate puts a target on her family and sets in motion a rebellion she isn’t prepared to lead. 

Dreams of liberty cause the Senator’s daughter to disguise herself for undercover recon, recruit a high-ranking defector, and partner with a subversive news agency that combats government propaganda. As Brenna’s strength and family ties are tested, she unites a political party that commands the power to transform the United States. (from Goodreads)

Main Characters:
~ Brenna McFerren Jefferson
~ Tate Jefferson
~ Esther McFerren
~ Senator A.C. McFerren

Review: I think it's safe to say that this book wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I'm not exactly sure what I was even planning to expect. I haven't read much of the dystopian-futuristic type of novel, but I did enjoy this taste of it.

Kelley Waller doesn't waste any time jumping into the action. Right from the start, we're introduced to our heroine and an action-packed scene where guns are around every corner and the drain pipe is the MVP. From there, the action really doesn't stop.

Brenna McFerren Jefferson is a kindergarten-teacher-gone-secret-agent. She lives in a very different America than we're used to -- one with a power-hungry president basically taking out the balancing checks of the Supreme Court and the Senate during his term. He's wants complete control over the country, and he's ready to take whatever action necessary to keep that power -- including kidnapping Brenna's father, the former senator A.C. McFerren who stands for the old-fashioned republic and the ideals of the Founding Fathers.

It was difficult to keep track of everything at first, so many names and acronyms and other important-sounding lingo. But once you got used to what everything was, it made sense. The action is excellent in this book. I never once felt that it dragged or got boring. The book is a pretty hefty size (with a stunning 68 chapters), but the quick narrative keeps things moving along nicely. Once I was into the story, it didn't take me that long to finish it.

There were a few awkward transitions between scenes as well as in certain scenes. Some parts just read unpolished -- basically I would have preferred it a little more edited and smoothed out. To my knowledge, this is Kelley Waller's debut novel, so I'd be greatly interested in reading one of her next works and seeing how her writing matures. She's definitely got the talent to keep her readers on their toes!

If you like guns and explosions with a side of tech, family, and American politics, then this is the book for you. Kelley Waller throws in plenty of plot twists to compliment the action, though I will admit I saw most of them coming. There was quite a bit of character development, but sometimes it felt a little forced. I admired how Brenna at first was fighting to pull her family back together after her father's kidnapping, but by the end, the theme had changed to her discovering her true worth in the political circle.

One thing that I really enjoyed was the abundance of historical American quotes. Every few pages, one of the characters would spout off a Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc. quote with ease, leaving me insanely jealous and wishing I could do the same. For the inner American history nut in me, that was definitely a plus!

Advisory: Lots of violence. Guns/explosions/fighting/lots of broken glass/some blood. It's not overly graphic, but enough so that I would recommend this book for older readers. I didn't count the deaths in the book as I read, but several deaths are described. 

Also, a disappointing abundance of language. I won't make a list here (mostly because I'm not completely comfortable typing those words out), but other reviewers have included a list in their Goodreads reviews if you are interested. 

There is some light but awkward romantic/physical/sexual content as well. Brenna is a married woman, so there are a few comments and physical touches that pass between her and her husband, as well as between other couples in the book. They're not over the top, but a few of them made me uncomfortable. Brenna loses her pants on a mission and completes her job in her pink underwear, and there are several comments about that. One other thing to note would be comments on the decaying state of the union and its sinful turn in society. 

Honestly, I feel like the characters and action helped make this story 5 stars, but I would have loved to give it all 5, but there was a lot (mentioned above) that made me shy from that. There are very few mentions of spiritual content, despite this being labeled a Christian book.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

*Please note: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.*

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