Title: Two Renegade Realms
Series: Realm Walkers (Book #2)
Year: 2014
Author: Donita K. Paul
Summary: In book two of the Realm
Walkers Series, Cantor, Bixby, and Dukmee must band together to find
the storied realm walker Chomountain after the devastating attack by the
corrupt Realm Walkers Guild. But what they discover while traveling
turns their mission upside down and they must now find a way to restore
Chomountain. (from Goodreads)
Main Characters:
~ Cantor
~ Bixby
~ Bridger
~ Dukmee
~ Chomountain
~ Cantor
~ Bixby
~ Bridger
~ Dukmee
~ Chomountain
Review: Where to begin? Where to begin? Donita K. Paul has done it again! Dragons, adventure, danger... what more would you want in a fantasy novel?
I was very muchly excited when I was able to obtain a copy of this book to review. No matter that I haven't read the first book yet, but I'm planning on picking up a copy of that one just as soon as I'm able. *coughs* Moving on... Two Renegade Realms was definitely a fun read. There were a few little things that seemed a bit confusing, but that would be quickly mended if I had read the aforementioned first book first. The characters are lively and memorable, the plot was active and engaging, and I ended reading with a hunger for the next book.
Frankly, I'm having trouble writing this review, because it's easier for me to write reviews for books I didn't enjoy. Yeah, I'm weird like that. My favorite character, without a doubt, was Bridger, the shapeshifting dragon. I could understand Cantor's frustration with him as Bridger tended to be a little on the oblivious and careless side, but he was so hilarious! Mrs. Paul has a terrific talent in giving each one of her dragons special personality. Even though most of her books include dragons as main characters/elements, the dragons in each series are so unique. I think that's one thing I love about her novels so much -- tons of dragons, yet it's never the same dragon twice.
I also really liked Cantor's character development. More somber than most, Cantor is stuck with Bridger as his constant (dragon companion for the realm walkers), and he is not secret in his desire for a new constant. Bridger bears his complaints well, but he doesn't want to leave Cantor. Their teamwork got better as the novel progressed, and by the end -- well, now I can't give away everything, now can I?
The portals are incredibly epic. Just thought I'd point that out.
I was very muchly excited when I was able to obtain a copy of this book to review. No matter that I haven't read the first book yet, but I'm planning on picking up a copy of that one just as soon as I'm able. *coughs* Moving on... Two Renegade Realms was definitely a fun read. There were a few little things that seemed a bit confusing, but that would be quickly mended if I had read the aforementioned first book first. The characters are lively and memorable, the plot was active and engaging, and I ended reading with a hunger for the next book.
Frankly, I'm having trouble writing this review, because it's easier for me to write reviews for books I didn't enjoy. Yeah, I'm weird like that. My favorite character, without a doubt, was Bridger, the shapeshifting dragon. I could understand Cantor's frustration with him as Bridger tended to be a little on the oblivious and careless side, but he was so hilarious! Mrs. Paul has a terrific talent in giving each one of her dragons special personality. Even though most of her books include dragons as main characters/elements, the dragons in each series are so unique. I think that's one thing I love about her novels so much -- tons of dragons, yet it's never the same dragon twice.
I also really liked Cantor's character development. More somber than most, Cantor is stuck with Bridger as his constant (dragon companion for the realm walkers), and he is not secret in his desire for a new constant. Bridger bears his complaints well, but he doesn't want to leave Cantor. Their teamwork got better as the novel progressed, and by the end -- well, now I can't give away everything, now can I?
The portals are incredibly epic. Just thought I'd point that out.
Advisory: Some fantasy fighting and descriptions of battles, but nothing terribly graphic. A group of foreign/alien invaders are written as being awful enemies, gruesome and despicable. In one scene, they eat people, including babies which they seem to think a delicacy. It was the most violent thing I can recall from one of Mrs. Paul's books, but it's not portrayed graphically.
Other things to note quickly would be scenes of injuries/sicknesses. Nothing big, but two of the main characters in the book are healers, so it's natural to expect that. Also, some suggestions of romance, but nothing really comes of it.
Other things to note quickly would be scenes of injuries/sicknesses. Nothing big, but two of the main characters in the book are healers, so it's natural to expect that. Also, some suggestions of romance, but nothing really comes of it.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Click here to buy Two Renegade Realms on Amazon!
*Please note: I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.*
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