Title: The Railway Children
Year: 2000
Production Company: PBS Masterpiece Theatre
Summary: Based on E. Nesbit's classic children's book. After their father is mysteriously called away, three children have to move from their lovely house in London to a cottage in the country with their mother and "play at being poor for a bit." While adapting to their new home, they happen upon a railroad station and make many new friends.
Main Characters:
~ Roberta
~ Phyllis
~ Peter
Characters: Each sibling was so different. You have Roberta (or more fondly known as "Bobby") who was attempting to be more mature and responsible for her wild younger sister and brother, while Phyllis (a.k.a. "Phil") was a little more concerned in looking out for her own welfare. The youngest, Peter, felt it his duty to act as the man of the house because Father was away and watch out for his sisters and mother. We love every bit of this film, from Phil's funny complaints to Peter's "manly actions" to help his family. Mr. Perks was favorite character as well as Jim, "the boy in the red jersey," and even the cantankerous station master!
Plot: It all flowed along very well. One scene near the very end of the movie is a favorite among all of us (especially our father). But we won't tell you about it! You must go see for yourself!
Music: Very good! Some parts of the score reminded us of a train speeding down the rails. Ironic, no? ;)
Scenery: The English countryside? Who could not but love it? The rolling green hills, the whimsical train station, and the beautiful country cottage- everything was perfect!
Advisory: None
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Pictures from the movie:
Year: 2000
Production Company: PBS Masterpiece Theatre
Summary: Based on E. Nesbit's classic children's book. After their father is mysteriously called away, three children have to move from their lovely house in London to a cottage in the country with their mother and "play at being poor for a bit." While adapting to their new home, they happen upon a railroad station and make many new friends.
Main Characters:
~ Roberta
~ Phyllis
~ Peter
Characters: Each sibling was so different. You have Roberta (or more fondly known as "Bobby") who was attempting to be more mature and responsible for her wild younger sister and brother, while Phyllis (a.k.a. "Phil") was a little more concerned in looking out for her own welfare. The youngest, Peter, felt it his duty to act as the man of the house because Father was away and watch out for his sisters and mother. We love every bit of this film, from Phil's funny complaints to Peter's "manly actions" to help his family. Mr. Perks was favorite character as well as Jim, "the boy in the red jersey," and even the cantankerous station master!
Plot: It all flowed along very well. One scene near the very end of the movie is a favorite among all of us (especially our father). But we won't tell you about it! You must go see for yourself!
Music: Very good! Some parts of the score reminded us of a train speeding down the rails. Ironic, no? ;)
Scenery: The English countryside? Who could not but love it? The rolling green hills, the whimsical train station, and the beautiful country cottage- everything was perfect!
Advisory: None
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Pictures from the movie: